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Designers & Illustrators May Want To Marry Blue Q

Paula Frederick

Image from

Image from

As a designer or illustrator, a big part of your inspiration comes from the things you surround yourself with and admire every day. The bits which continue to surprise and delight you over and over despite looking at them every damn day?, well, they’re extra special.

Blue Q does it for me. The company takes amazing fun illustrations and prints them onto bags and lamps or knits them into socks.

“Joy-bringing products since 1988,” they say. Yup. Their bags are like abracadabra, baby. I regularly catch strangers seeing my Blue Q paraphernalia and smiling.

I have read that Blue Q employs a sizable disabled workforce, too. How great is that!

{I don’t get anything for this, this isn’t sponsored. Just spreading the word on great design you can use daily and get compliments from total strangers on.}